172 J.S. Hartland
177 Lying in State, Bopoto
182 Misilina, our first interpreter at San Salvador
189 Native with a brass collar, Upper river
192 A Congo jungle-path
197 Matadi, port of the Congo
203 Section of an ant-hill
208 A flour sifter
216 Native house, Bolobo
218 A scorpion
219 Head of a Congo pike
220 The Congo basin
224 Bopoto funeral dance
226 Congo Baskets
236 Bopoto women “en fête”
240 Nlemvo, Mr. Bentley’s assistant in vernacular work
245 A crayfish
246 A fetish image (‘Nkindu”), Zombo
247 A fetish rattle
254 The slave fork
254 The fork in use
258 Fetishes
259 Fetishes
260 A Nkindu fetish
268 The practice of medicine
284 “Nkimba” novice
285 Clothed and in his right mind
288 Fetish dance, Upper river
293 A war-knife
294 Mission house, Bopoto
295 War-knifes, Upper Congo
300 View down the Congo, from Vivi
306 Isangila Falls
309 A Congo pillow
312 An instrument of music
325 House-boats at Isangi
343 The Goodwill on Stanley Pool
369 War-knifes
370 Woman of Lukolela
374 A Siluroid, Upper Congo
383 An old man, Cataract region
390 Chimpanzee shot at Lukolela
394 A python
397 Comber buying cassava dumplings (“kwanga’s) at Stanley Pool
400 Ngombe, Bopoto
403 The weaver bird
406 Herbert Dixon
412 Yalala
416 J.H. Weeks and Mrs Weeks
428 Underhill
435 A Congo shield
440 A ganoid (polypterus)
446 Bayneston, on the Congo
456 View above the Nkalama, on the caravan road to Stanley Pool
462 Dutch trader buying ivory
465 Bobangi
473 Ta-Wanlongo, Chief of Ndandanga
474 Matuza

Kijken naar (voir) Bentley I, foto’s 1